- Helen Dunmore - Orange Prize winner - Poetry - Poems - Litany
Helen Dunmore
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For the length of time it takes a bruise to fade
for the heavy weight on getting out of bed,
for the hair’s grey, for the skin’s tired grain,
for the spider naevus and drinker’s nose
for the vocabulary of palliation and Macmillan
for friends who know the best funeral readings,

for the everydayness of pain, for waiting patiently
to ask the pharmacist about your medication
for elastic bandages and ulcer dressings,
for knowing what to say
when your friend says how much she still misses him,
for needing a coat although it is warm,

for the length of time it takes a wound to heal,
for the strange pity you feel
when told off by the blank sure faces
of the young who own and know everything,
for the bare flesh of the next generation,
for the word ‘generation’, which used to mean nothing.
- Glad Of These Times
- Litany
- Wild Strawberries
- City Lilacs
- The Blue Garden
- Russian Doll
- Next Door
- Hare in the snow
- Diving Girl
Poetry for children
Poetry reviews
Audio books

Children's Books

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