- Helen Dunmore - Orange Prize winner - Poetry - Poems - Next Door
Helen Dunmore
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Next Door
is the same as ours, but different.
Back to front stairs,, and a bass that thuds
like the music of demolition
year after year, but the house
is still standing.

When we have parties they tense into silence
although they are good at fighting.
After the last screech and slam, their children
play war on their scab of a lawn.

We re mirrors of one another,
never showing what's real.
If I turn like this, quickly,
and look over the fence, what will I see?
- Glad Of These Times
- Litany
- Wild Strawberries
- City Lilacs
- The Blue Garden
- Russian Doll
- Next Door
- Hare in the snow
- Diving Girl
Poetry for children
Poetry reviews
Audio books

Short Stories

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