- Helen Dunmore - Orange Prize winner - Poetry - Poetry for children - Smiles Like Roses
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Poetry for children

Smiles Like Roses
All down my street
smiles opened like roses
sun licked me and tickled me
sun said, Didn’t you believe me
when I said I’d be back?

I blinked my eyes, I said,
Sun, you are too strong for me
where’d you get those muscles?
Sun said, Come and dance.

All over the park
smiles opened like roses
babies kicked off their shoes
and sun kissed their toes.

All those new babies
all that new sun
everybody dancing
walking but dancing.

All over the world
sun kicked off his shoes
and came home dancing
licking and tickling

kissing crossing-ladies and fat babies
saying to everyone
Hey you are the most beautiful
dancing people I’ve ever seen
with those smiles like roses!
Poetry for children
- Smiles Like Roses
- Breeze of Ghosts
- Yellow
- Baby Orang-utan
- Night Cat
- Harbour Seal
- The Speak Mum Speaks
- School midnight
- Big Wicked
- Snow Queen
- Richard the Bad, Richard the Good
- Lubberly
Poetry reviews
Audio books

Short Stories

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